Chemgoddess' Rant-a-litious Blog

Monday, October 22, 2007
On this day:


I felt like a brat before the fall break. Part of me was, in fact, not looking forward to the time off. There were a few reasons for this perspective. One, whenever I have a break it is uber hard to get back into the swing of things. Second, we are celebrating mole day tomorrow and we had to prepare everything in three days versus the five we would have had if it had been a full week of work. Third, I don't have a whole lot of things to do down here because it is the hamlet of hell.

Well, surprise, surprise! I have had a glorious break! I made up my mind to completely ignore school (work), the house, eating healthy, and just about everything else I try to do each and every day of my normal life. It has been faboo. I went golfing every day it was nice (four of five), I borrowed seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Grey's Anatomy (a show I have never been into) and sat on my couch for almost an entire day doing nothing but watching episodes of the show. An aside - I see why this show would be really popular but I hate the main character. I will not be setting aside time weekly to watch the new eps during the regular season. I ordered pizza, drank beer, went out for wings, went to a BBQ, and basically destroyed my four months of general good eating. I didn't cook from scratch once! It was lovely to finish eating and just throw the trash away. No dishes, no cleaning the stove, no hassle. If it didn't make me feel so gross later on, I could really get into this whole eating out thing. It is only a matter of days before it starts to make me feel worn down and just generically icky. I'm already starting to crave salads in a bad way. It is a nice break from life but I am ready to get back to balanced meals.

The golfing was terrific. It turns out one of the best things you can do for your swing is to not play for a few years. I always played with people and it would make me competative. I would try to power through on my swing. This has been really eye-opening. I am not feeling pressured in any way because I am playing alone and I haven't played in such a long time that I have very low expectations. Wow. What a difference just relaxing makes. My swing is more fluid, relaxed, and EFFECTIVE! My shots, even the bad ones, are almost always dead straight where I am aiming. They go just as far if not farther than when I was really laying on the power. I feel much more confident with the drivers. Now, if only I would stop topping the ball...

I can't think of anything else to mention. I guess maybe I will finish the mudding this week. I feel the motivation building. The walls surrounding the fixed area are textured and I am thinking of skimming the entire room to get rid of that. Maybe Tuesday... I'm done at work around 1pm... Mmmm. Well, I know I definitely want to get it done before the next weekend. I am going to St. Louis with friends which means I won't work on it then either. I'm starting to feel compelled to return the mudding tools to the guy who loaned them to me, oh, about three weeks ago. He said I could keep them for as long as I needed but I'm starting to feel a little rude anyway.

Hope all of my readers (all three) had a glorious weekend!


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