Chemgoddess' Rant-a-litious Blog

Monday, September 10, 2007
On this day:

The Hiker

Yeah, so my sister blogs. That's great. She has been a notoriously bad blogger but has turned over a new leaf. She is averaging about one a week for the past month. The only thing is... I feel like I should be able to keep up. She is a first-year teacher, planning a wedding, and just relocated on the other half of the country. I, on the other hand, am becoming "old hat" at this teaching gig, am not planning a wedding, and moved over a year ago. Seems like I should have the free time necessary to go blog entry for blog entry with her.

And, therefore, I find myself posting this morning with nothing much to say. She posted most recently about an unexpected hiking experience. It was funny. I was glad I wasn't with her. The thing is that I have no interesting story about my weekend. The question then becomes, "How do I keep up with her posting record when nothing much ever happens here?". Grrrr.

That brings me to my weekend recapitulation. I'll start with Thursday because, well, as any ex-college student knows, the weekend officially starts Thursday night. A BW's opened in my little hamlet over the summer. I cannot tell you how excited I was about this. Unfortunately, they do not serve Woodchuck on tap. They do, however, have the NTN Trivia! Woohoo! My 'weekend' started with an evening of wings, beer, and trivia with a friend from work. Good times.

I followed that up with an exciting Friday night out at the gym. Yeah. The gym. I enjoy the show Psych (even if it is kind of terrible, I'm amused) and don't have a TV at home. But the gym has cable! I go there every Friday night at 9 pm to watch my hour-long show while walking on the treadmill. Let the stalking begin... hehe. I skipped the weights because I was not in the mood and I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and really need to wax. 'Nuff said.

Saturday was a fun day of studying Geography. I'm taking a geography class and our first test is tomorrow. I can't very well show up unprepared. How mortifying! I can just see it... the instructor talking to another one and saying, "Are you sure about that PhD thing? I know how she did on the first test in my 100 level class." Eeeek! I took the class because I was horrified when I was up in Canada to find out there was a new province since I last took a geography class. It's interesting but not as good as the art class I took last spring. Plus, I don't get to blog pretty pictures. Actually, we have this coloring assignment... maybe I will take pictures of that and post them. Teehehee. I am desperate for blog entries now. After studying, I hit the gym. Another hour of walking. I run some of it but not the majority so I just call it walking. I skipped the weights again. I am such a slacker. Then, off to the movies. Saw the Bourne Ultimatum AGAIN! I LOVE that trilogy. And Matt Damon is a hottie. The only drawback is I am not much for the camera work. Jeeez. Steady cams are available - look into it Mr. Director.

Sunday was a major slump day. I was going to work on the exterior of the house but it was still really wet from the rain the past week. Instead, I read a book (a whole one, over 300 pgs), and watched a couple of movies while I latchhooked. Yeah, latchhook. Do you remember that? Well, I bought this kit for a christmas rug in 2003 (the receipt was still in the box) and never got around to it... until this weekend. Yes, another project that will go unfinished for years. SWEET!

Somewhere in there I also managed to wash some dishes, pick up my clothes from all over the bedroom floor, vacuum, and cook. In retrospect, although there was no hiking involved, I think it was a pretty good weekend. I'm looking forward to the next one. The weather is suppose to be lovely (sunny and not blistering hot). Seems I might still be able to make a little progress on the house before 2008.

Hope all you readers (all two) had a terrific weekend yourselves!


  • Your competition with your sister means fun reading for me!! This should go on forever.

    I'm learning geography from the Daily Show and Ice Road Truckers. Why is that subject so overlooked in our schools? I know the continents. They have completely revamped Africa since I was in school. I think they kept Egypt. They certainly could have taught us the customs of the countries. Maybe something about their foods. Anytime we had a country-oriented assignment, we dealt with the economics. I don't care if they mine friznitz nor how many they export to the United Emirates. Could you make it more boring? Yes, they could! We could study topographical maps!

    Give the treasure a call. She sounded so disheartened. She needs another teacher to get her groove back.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:10 PM  

  • PS Can you limit these sign in dohickies to 3 or 4 letters? I think the last one was 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:11 PM  

  • Sorry, no way to limit the sign in letters.

    I don't like to call the treasure during the week (too hellaciously busy, mostly for her) but I will next weekend.

    By Blogger chemgoddess, at 5:38 PM  

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